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Color consistency and brand continuity are strongly linked. Smijet is the sole AI-based solution ensuring compliance with your brands color codes

Can you imagine two products of the same brand in a presentation rack that have different colors or renderings?

Smijet knows that brand color consistency shows the strength of your company !

Packaging is an important part of product marketing. Brand’s colors must be consistent across different customer touch points. If not, it may suggest a low quality level and decrease brand loyalty. Smijet is an AI-based in-line spectral scanner used by digital and traditional print industries for print or packaging color consistency control. This very flexible solution reduces printing costs and waste in industries as diverse as textiles, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, furniture, etc.

Delivering consistent brand colors on any substrate.

Compliance with your color chart is a capital issue. Industries spend millions on their brands, logos, color references and packaging designs. Maintaining a consistent brand is critical for all of them. The graphics chart of your brand and the colorimetry must be respected. And what happens on a re-run?

Your colors will be consistent from one production to another whatever the substrate

Smijet ensures the respect of your color chart (brand and packaging colors) on the entire production, regardless of the printed substrate: paper, textiles, plastics, vinyls, etc. Installed on your manufacturing and printing lines, it detects the color differences visible to the human eye (ΔE measurement) on any support and even after several years!


Ihre Kunden mögen bereits Ihre Druckmaschinen ? Gut!

Durch die Integration von Smijet in Ihre Druckmaschinen erhalten diese neue attraktive Funktionen:

  • Ermöglicht das automatische Einrichten Ihrer Offsetdruckmaschine oder die Registrierung Ihrer Inkjet-Druckköpfe.

During production, the detection, analysis and display of drift values and zones are carried out in real time thanks to embedded neural networks. The problematic areas are immediately shown on its HD screen.

Smijet notifies you as soon as a visible defect appears thanks to the precision of its detection area (1mm2 – 10 times better than its competitors) and its ≤1∆E measurement accuracy

At the beginning of production, Smijet automatically calibrates itself in-line in a few seconds (AI and deep learning).

Ihre Kunden werden Ihre Druckmaschinen mit diesen zusätzlichen Eigenschaften lieben!

Zu Beginn der Produktion kalibriert sich Smijet in wenigen Sekunden automatisch in-line (KI und Deep Learning).

Während der Produktion erfolgt die Erkennung, Analyse und Anzeige von Driftwerten und Zonen dank eingebetteter neuronaler Netze in Echtzeit. Die problematischen Bereiche werden sofort auf dem HD-Bildschirm angezeigt.

Smijet benachrichtigt Sie, sobald ein sichtbarer Defekt auftritt, dank der Präzision seines Erfassungsbereichs (1mm2 - 10 mal besser als bei seinen Konkurrenten) und seiner Messgenauigkeit von ≤1∆E.


Printing on textiles or ceramics

Guarantee the resistance of patterns and colors for years!

Digital printing technology is increasingly used for customizing textiles. However, the chemical and mechanical industrial process for producing finished products is very complex. For example, in the case of textiles, printing during the first stages of manufacture is likely to be modified by the subsequent processing steps. Similarly, in the case of ceramic tiles, the colors of earthenware batches produced from one year to another must be compliant.

Smijet respond to this particular issue. Both model these transformations to intervene during calibration of the digital printing systems and control the quality of the color and patterns at each stage of product finishing.
With Smijet, 2 objects manufactured at different times, even a long time apart, will have the same color


Pharmaceutical products

When color control is not always made on flat surfaces

In the biotechnology industry, a visual assessment is the most commonly used method for color characterization, batch release, and stability testing. Smijet Color and Smijet True Color are compact contactless scanners. They can be easily placed at a few millimeters of rotating products. Now you have a new smart tool allowing you to automatically calibrate the colorimetry and the registration of your printing heads.

Added to this, Smijet also insures a print quality control during 100% of the production. It may trigger alarms or other signals such as ejecting a product or stopping the whole production if needed. You define yourself the severity and criteria of the alarms.


Industry: brand color consistency control


Color chart consistency regardless of the substrate (fabric, paper, vinyl, etc.)

Other Industry applications
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