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Farbmanagement Color management in offset and digital printing


Smijet: the brand new in-line print color management system

In offset or digital printing color management, our smart spectral scanner Smijet® avoids waste, over-quality costs and allows identical print runs, no matter the machine, the location or the year.


Smijet continuously detects the slightest print color variation.
This high precision device (≤1∆E) measure color drifts even on hues that RGB cameras cannot distinguish. No wonder! Smijet uses the 8 million shades of the L*a*b color space


Smijet is able to perform high-speed scanning within images and text.
10 times more accurate than any other system, it doesn’t need color control bars or solid larger than 1mm2 to immediately signal any deviation from your selected threshold.


It strongly reduces waste as it speeds-up makeready.
Yet it also eliminates waste due to dissatisfied customers. Thanks to Smijet®, identical re-prints are possible even if you change machine, technology, location or year.
Identical print run from the beginning to the end of the rolls

The Smijet smart spectrophotometer analyzes color consistency throughout production and verifies print data against past production or physical models (sample/press proof) approved by the customer. Drawing on its memory, it ensures identical print runs from beginning to end of the roll or web, regardless of the technology, even after several years.

During production, Smijet delivers custom alerts based on the specific needs of each customer and each job. Smijet automatically highlights the relevant areas on its HD screen and then archives data and production reports.
The sophisticated performance indicator analysis improves productivity.
Waste disappears, colors are consistent and your customers are happy.

With its patented multi-spectral sensors, Smijet helps you to:

  • Significantly reduce waste thanks to real-time color control

  • Eliminate over-quality costs.

  • Save time: no more time-consuming sampling

  • Strictly respect brands’ graphic charts: ensures customer loyalty.

  • Permanently display real-time color measurements and corrections.

  • In digital printing: anticipate the appearance of missing or deviated jets

By installing Smijet on your production line, identical print runs are possible
even when changing machines, location or year


The respect of colorimetry and printing quality is very important to your reputation. One of a kind, Smijet is a high-precision in-line automatic spectrophotometer that provides color conformity (and consistency over time) on 100% of your production, regardless of the substrate. So, whether you are a label, packaging or document printer, you will appreciate Smijet’s fast and efficient support for automatic makeready of your printing machine, identical print runs guarantee, even when changing machines, and anticipation of missing or deflected jets.

Deep Learning oriented neural networks change everything. Smijet does not behave in a “binary” way like the current color controllers on offset or digital printing. By showing you in real time all the useful data, it avoids both these extremes:

  • If the settings are too permissive: your customers are not happy.

  • If the settings are too strict: waste becomes excessive for no reason.

With the Smijet, it is possible to automatically adjust the color RIP or CTP according to the CMJN ISO 12647-2 norm. In addition, the following parameters are continuously monitored:

  • Identification of the different units of the offset press

  • Measure of the dot gain
  • Lines-per-inch, raster angles and shape of the grid points
  • Maximum ink load
  • Color and gloss of the printing papers
  • Brilliance and tint of printed inks, etc.

Therefore, color consistency and accuracy over time is automatically and continuously managed on 100% of your production.

Smijet can perform an automatic calibration of the color press in conformity with the CMJN ISO 12647-2 standard

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